So helpful, thank you!!!

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I'm so glad! Thanks for reading, Lori!

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God is bigger than the Bible! thanks for this.

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Thanks for reading!

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"If I like it, if it is fun or exciting, if I want it, then it’s probably wrong and off limits." Thank you for articulating this! I've been trying to root this idea out of my subconscious for so long.

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I'm so glad it was helpful! Thanks for reading!

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Josh, thank you for writing this and sharing this.

"We are being invited to join the Divine in the process of pursuing justice and goodness, and we’re free to do that in the ways that make us most fully and wonderfully alive."

This resonated with me. My father passed away in 2020 and at his funeral, the priest (my father converted to Catholicism late in life) read Matthew 25:31-46. I had read or heard that passage a thousand times before, but never really stopped to think about what it meant. Then is struck me! This is about living our lives in pursuit of justice. Of adding to society in good and just ways and loving our neighbor through concrete action. That moment was a tipping point in my own spiritual journey and it has changed me fundementally. It forced me to reevaluate what is truly important to me and it has changed everything from my understanding of Scripture, to my politics, to my purpose and to my view of what God wants of me and what God wants for me.

Your piece helped me further articulate what I have been mulling in my mind for some time and it has given me more to continue exploring and meditating on. Thank you! Sincerely, thank you very much.

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