Josh, was wondering if you saw this: "Violence Divine: Overcoming the Bible's Betrayal of It's Non-violent God."


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I'm familiar with LTQ but not this particular lesson. A belief in Divine violence has led to the world's most tragic moments! I've read a couple really good books on the topic. I'm planning to do a resource post at some point, and I'll make sure to include them.

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I really think you're on to something here. It makes sense that Trump, who may be the quintessential capitalist, would appeal to people whose primary view of and relationship with God is transactional.

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Wooooooo! That will preach!

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This is great stuff and is good food for thought. Thanks for posting.

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Thanks for reading!

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Great observation, Josh! I'm working on a podcast episode right now about how "good kids" sometimes make the worst adults, and the central theme is pretty close to what you've described. Rigid, punitive, retributive, unloving theology leads to rigid, punitive, retributive, unloving people. Keep up the good work!

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That sounds awesome!

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