Hello friends!
I missed my goal of having this Q+R out to you by Friday. So sorry that didn’t happen! I hope it’s helpful as we think about engaging the Bible for what it is, instead of what we wish it were. If you have a question (or questions) feel free to send them to josh@joshscott.online, and I’ll include them ASAP.
Here’s a link to a recent conversation about the Bible that I was thrilled to host with friends Brian McLaren and Kat Armas. Y’all! It was so fun! Coming Back to the Bible.
If we aren’t connected on social media, we should be! You can find me on all the things by following this link.
Finally, here’s a link to my new book, “Bible Stories for Grown-Ups.” If you’ve read it, please consider leaving a review online.
That’s all for now.
I hope you all have a great week!
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