
Re:Imagine Q + R

Was Jesus Born of a Virgin?

Hello friends!

This week’s question comes from Tiffany, and she asks:

What is the significance of Jesus being born of a virgin? Was he? 
Was he actually related to John the Baptist?

Check out the video for my response.

In the video I mention my book tour, which is called “The Flannelgraph Tour.” Here are the dates and places I’ll be visiting (so far).

The Flannelgraph Tour

May 21 - The Well, Phoenix, AZ

June 4 - Vinings Lake Church, Atlanta, GA (a.m.)

June 14 - Park Ridge Presbyterian Church, Park Ridge, IL 

June 30 -July 2 - Adult VBS, Charlotte, NC

July 13-15 - The Wild Goose Festival, Union Grove, NC 

July 16 - Watershed Church, Charlotte, NC 

August 27 - Highlands Church (a.m), Denver, CO 

August 27 - Envision Community Church (p.m.), Longmont, CO 

October 15 - Grace Trinity, Minneapolis , MN

November 19 - Bluegrass UCC, Lexington, KY. 


The First Christmas, Marcus Borg + John Dominic Crossan

Born of a Woman, John Shelby Spong

The Birth of Jesus, John Shelby Spong

A Complicated Pregnancy, Kyle Roberts

Bible Stories for Grown-Ups, Me :) (please leave a review!)


Thats all for this week!
Thanks, friends!

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