“…and Mary treasured all these words and pondered them in her heart.”
Luke 2:19, NRSVue
When you think about joy what comes to mind? I’d venture to guess that our default ideas about joy involve laughter, high energy, and, to use a technical term, a happy-clappy vibe.
That is one way to experience joy, but it’s not the only way. Sometimes joy is expressed in a quiet, reflective gratitude. That’s what we see in Mary’s response to the shepherd’s visit. Unlike the angels that filled the night sky with jubilation and excitement, Mary’s joy is the kind a parent knows when someone sees and acknowledges the gift that is their child.
There is a kind of joy that isn’t loud and exuberant, but is, instead, practical and grateful. Both can exist at the same time, and both are gifts. The joy that comes from gratitude and reflection can offer us a groundedness that empowers us to keep moving forward. May we all take moments, as frequent or rare as they may be, to embrace this kind of grateful joy during this season.
Questions for Reflection:
What are some of the grounded and grateful opportunities to experience joy in your life during this season of Advent?
How does paying attention to them shape our experience?
How are gratitude and joy connected for you?